Monday, March 26, 2007

Planning a Funeral?

Being Dead is no Excuse: The Official Southern Ladies Guide to Hosting the Perfect Funeral

"Folks in the Delta have a strong sense of community, and being dead is no impedimpent to belonging to it. Down south, they don't forget you when you've up and died--in fact they visit you more often. But there are quintessential rules and rituals for kicking the bucket tastefully, and having a flawless funeral is one of them." (from inside book cover)

Need to know if "you can be properly buried without tomato aspic? Who prepares tastier funeral fare, the Episcopal ladies or the Methodist ladies? And what does one do when a family gets three sheets to the wind and eats the entire feast the night before a funeral?" (from insed book cover)

If you find yourself in the unexpected situation of planning your funeral don't be caught dead without this book!!

(special thanks to DM for the find!)

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