Thursday, April 12, 2007

A new way to read the Bible...

Most of us know that the Bible has been published in many forms and editions. The Gutenberg Bible, Good News for Modern Man and the King James version are familiar to most.

Now there is a new version, The Bible in Limerick Verse. The Reverend Christopher Goodwins has transformed the New Testament, the Old Testament and the Apocrypha into a form he hopes will be more popular.

He describes his book:
An Isleham Vicar called Chris
Wrote Scripture in limericks.
"This should help people read,
About Jesus, indeed,
And enjoy it, - not give Him a miss!"

see his website for more information

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Atomic Bombing: How to Protect Yourself

Published in 1950 by the "Science Service" this book contains helpful information including survival tips such as this one for surviving an atomic bombing:
Stay in a ball for ten seconds. Both the heat and the blast wave will pass over you in that time. Then, if you can, stand up. You will be among the survivors -- provided you can move fast enough to avoid falling rubble and fire.

It is also realistic. I appreciate the up-front way it exposes this topic that is often only discussed in hushed tones:
It is far easier to talk about such weapons as the A-bomb than it is to discuss, realistically, measures that might keep the world at peace and save us from the horrors of atomic war.